Examens De Fin Module Machines à Courant Alternatif Électromécanique des Systèmes Automatisées-ESA-OFPPT-PDF

Examens De Fin Module Machines à Courant AlternatifESA-OFPPT-PDF |
Presentation of the Daoui laundromat
The enrichment of poor phosphates standard wet or washing occupies an important place among the phosphate mineral treatment processes applied in Morocco.
This is how the O.C.P group has four laundries in administration and a fifth for the treatment of poor phosphates from Sidi Chennane.
The four operational laundries are:
The laundromat of Sidi Daoui (UD)
The Kerkour-rih laundromat (UZ)
The Maroc-phosphate II (MP II) laundromat.
The Laâyoune treatment plant.
The laundromat of Sidi Daoui is located 25 km east of the city of Khouribga and near the extraction sites of the terrible Daoui. It includes a wet phosphate screening station at the mile 15 * 50mm2 and a standard bidding workshop washing poor phosphates from layer 2A and layer 3 Daoui.
The screening station started in 1972 with a hopper of 3000 tons capacity, the support flow of the wet product is 2000t / h.
The washing plant started in 1972 with five washing lines, creating 440 t / a of dry and working product. Or a creation capacity of 2,700,000 t / year. The development of a sixth washing line in 1983 and the use of separating conveyors instead of spin dryers in 1988 increased its creation capacity to 6,000,000 t / a.
The creation is ensured by a principle of work of 450 people.
Washing principle:
The enrichment of phosphate from layer 2A Daoui consists in ridding the ore of its particle size distribution functions in addition to poor, namely grains larger than 2.5mm and grains smaller than 100 microns.
The slice involve between 2.5mm and 100 microns therefore consists of the washed phosphate.
The main stages of washing are pulping, 2.5mm screening, the arrangement to eliminate sludge measuring less than 100 microns is finally spinning and storage.
A scale is a device that measures the quality of material that circulates on its belt.
It is composed of: a mechanical part on which the product will flow and be weighed. An electric part where the power is located and an electronic part which from the sensors to the computer will allow the flow rate to be measured and possibly regulate this flow.
The weight signal, supplied by the weighing belt sensor, is amplified and put into standard form by the SAUTELMA basic amplifier before being transmitted to the computer. This amplifier module is placed on the mechanical part of the doser.
This module can be supplied in digital adaptation (UTN) to transmit signals over a long separation.
The tape speed will be transmitted to the computer in the form of standard pulses, an encoder placed on the line drum or standard an incremental encoder on the tape.
The Office Chérifien des Phosphates is a private state body. It is registered in the business register and is subject to monetary commitments to the same commitments as any private company; patent, customs duty, exploitation tax, corporate tax. It is thus considered as a State body with autonomous management.
Being a public limited company, the sole shareholder of which is the Moroccan State, the OCP is directed by a general manager named standard dahir and control is exercised by a board of directors.
The group's financial management is separate from that of the State. He participates in the latter's spending by making dividend payments.
Due to the excellent number of operational and creation focuses spread across the whole of Moroccan territory, the OCP group has been able to equip itself with a decentralized management system, characterized by the distribution of the different tasks between the subsidiaries and the competent bearings. These are distributed in the form of administrative divisions and areas.
Phosphate is sought after for the phosphorus it contains. Designated in standard chemistry the letter P, it constitutes an essential element of living human cells. In animals, it appears in bones and scratches. In plants, it is the vehicle that carries the energy produced by photosynthesis.
A natural material, phosphorus is present everywhere. We meet him every day. In toothpaste that is used in the morning and in most foods (dairy products, eggs, meats, fish, vegetables and organic dry products). It is also the basis of certain pharmaceutical products and can be used in animal feed, in the creation of detergents, food protection and many other applications.
But as we know, it is mainly for the treatment of arable land that mineral phosphates are of primary importance. We use them as fertilizer. The in addition to much of creation mondiale (85%) is also used to fertilize the soil.
In the right amount, phosphorus helps to develop the roots of the plant, to facilitate child sustenance and to make it more resistant to diseases. As many virtues which make it possible to increase the harvests, as well on the quantitative plan as qualitative. It is desperate if phosphate plays an essential role in agricultural productivity, and the same overthrow in human nutrition.