Alignement conventionnel Électromécanique des Systèmes Automatisées-ESA-OFPPT-PDF

Alignement conventionnel Électromécanique des Systèmes Automatisées-ESA-OFPPT-PDF

Alignement conventionnel Électromécanique des Systèmes Automatisées-ESA-OFPPT-PDF

Alignement conventionnel  ESA-OFPPT-PDF

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The data

Presentation of the application

Specifications I:

software objectives:

The "leave management" software allows public management bodies to manage leave requests. But it also makes it possible to properly treat or manage the duration of the civil servants' leave.

This software complies with approved regulations in the province.

The main features:

To ask for a vacation :

This model allows the insertion, search and display of all leave requests.

The user inserts the request into the database via the button sent.

For any need to search for a request, the link display all allows you to display all the requests

It also makes it possible to give an opinion (favorable or not) on a request. This function is available via the contact link in the sent section

Leave granted:

For a positive opinion from the administrator brought on a request, it is possible to view and print the file. These functions are accessible via <via the leave granted link.

Reports are generated automatically based on the requester's information and also departure dates and balance dates

Leave refused:

This section lists all unsuccessful requests. It allows you to declare rejected leave requests.

Adding a person:

This module allows you to add, modify and delete information on an employee's family members.

To save a person's information, we charge from the Personal section, then on the Add button.

The Chronicle:

The administrator, the only one who can access this module, carries leave requests and optional information.

This function is available via the History link


Internal actor (software actor)

The operators

Administration cook

The Human Resources Department (HRD)


II-Conception Merise:

1 / The conceptual data model:

MCD is a model which makes it possible to build an efficient automated information system, adaptable and adapted to the company

2 / The physical data model:

The PDM (Data Constitution Model) is none other than a list of tables with for each of them the columns that are part of this table. The standard calculation is obtained from the MCD.

3 / The logical model of relational data:

This template indicates remarks coordinator data. We imagine the model as a troop of relationships. We have tables (entities in the MCD model) that contain fields (attributes in the MCD model). What is significant are the relationships between these tables.


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